S06E29....The Roast of Jesse 2024

4th & Dirty is back for our final episode of Season 6! You read that correctly! 4&D will be taking a hiatus for a few months. In our final episode, we wrap up our Roasting Series w/ the Roast of me, your Commissioner, Jesse!  

In the Roasting series, we go back and look at our seasons and show the community what we did right and what we did wrong so we can all become better Fantasy Football players! 

4&D will be back 8/4/25 LIVE on Twitch at 8PM! We'll bring you all the same content you know and love in a jam packed week of content. Yes, all week! Monday-Friday we'll get you caught up on Off-season content needed to dominate in Season 7 of 4th & Dirty, the Community Driven Show! 

Despite the upcoming hiatus, stay tuned all Off-season for some surprise content and hit us up with those questions, show@4thanddirty.com or on the socials, @4thandDirty. 

Long Count: EP240....Less Tomlin more Belichick! 

S06E28....The Roast of Atom and Evan 2024

4th & Dirty is back w/ a new episode and special guests Atom and Evan are in the studio! Atom and Evan are OG 4&D Co-Hosts and here to help us kick off our Roasting Series!  

In this series, we go back and look at our seasons and show the community what we did right and what we did wrong so we can all become better Fantasy Football players! 

4&D will be back for our last episode of the season TUESDAY 2/25/25 LIVE on Twitch at 8PM. We'll wrap up our Roasting Series by tearing down Jesse's seasons and maybe a final special guest for the season.  

Despite the upcoming hiatus you can stay tuned in all Offseason and hit us up with those questions, show@4thanddirty.com or on the socials, @4thandDirty. 

Long Count: EP239....Don't Draft and Drive! 

S06E27....Top 10 in Review 2024: Tight End Edition

4th & Dirty is back w/ a new episode covering all your NFL Playoffs, News, Injuries and Rumors needed to win your Fantasy Football League. 4&D wraps up its Offseason content with Top 10 in Review: Tight End Edition! 

In our Top 10 in Review series, 4&D goes back and looks at our rankings and the rankings of so called "Experts". We're the only Analysts who go back and look at what they got right and what we got wrong. By looking at both we can actually learn and become better Fantasy Football Players! 

4&D will be back on TUESDAY 2/18/25 LIVE on Twitch at 8PM. SPECIAL GUESTS Atom and Evan, the OG 4&D Hosts will be in the house to start our Roasting Series. In this series, we go back and look at our season and show you what we did right and what we did wrong so we can become better Fantasy Football players! 

Stay tuned all Offseason and hit us up with those questions, show@4thanddirty.com or on the socials, @4thandDirty. 

Long Count: EP238....Inconsistible 

S06E26....Top 10 in Review 2024: Running backs Edition

4th & Dirty is back w/ a new episode covering all your NFL Playoffs, News, Injuries and Rumors needed to win your Fantasy Football League. 4&D continues its Offseason content with Top 10 in Review: Running back Edition! 

In our Top 10 in Review series, 4&D goes back and looks at our rankings and the rankings of so called "Experts". We're the only Analysts who go back and look at what they got right and what we got wrong. By looking at both we can actually learn and become better Fantasy Football Players!  

4&D will be back on TUESDAY 2/11/25 LIVE on Twitch at 8PM. We'll wrap up our Top 10 in Review w/ Tight Ends.

Stay tuned all Off-season and hit us up with those questions, show@4thanddirty.com or on the socials, @4thandDirty. 

Long Count: EP237....Dick Injury Reserve 

S06E25....Top 10 in Review 2024: Quarterback Edition

4th & Dirty is back w/ a new episode covering all your NFL Playoffs, News, Injuries and Rumors needed to win your Fantasy Football League. 4&D continues it's Off-season content with Top 10 in Review: Quarterback Edition!

In our Top 10 in Review series, 4&D goes back and looks at our rankings and the rankings of so called "Experts". We're the only Analysts who go back and look at what they got right and what we got wrong. By looking at both we can actually learn and become better Fantasy Football Players!

4&D will be back on TUESDAY 2/2/25 LIVE on Twitch at 8PM. We'll continue our Top 10 in Review w/ Running backs.

Stay tuned all Off-season and hit us up with those questions, show@4thanddirty.com or on the socials, @4thandDirty.

Long Count: EP236....Math is Crazy Bruh!