Welcome to the Samantics Listener League Season 5 Championship!
A 24 Team Mega-League, with a Triple Threat Championship!
You read that correctly; with two distinct 12-Team Leagues, for maximum Chaos! To advance in this League, you must first place in the Top-6 Teams from one of the Leagues by Win-Loss Record through Week 14. Playoffs are a Free-For-All, where only Top 50% of Scorers advance to the next round. Ultimately, a winner takes all, Triple Threat Championship!! Prizes include a plate on the Samantics’ Championship Wrestling Belt; as well as payouts for; First Place $336, Second Place $96, and Third Place $48.
!Please continue to set your lineup in Sleeper!
*Green shaded cell indicates player moved on to next round*
Week 17
Winner Takes All!
Triple Threat Championship
Week 16
Top 50% of Scorers move on to the Triple Threat Championship in Week 17.
Week 15
Top 50 % of Scorers Move on to Week 16.
Week 14
Top 6 Teams from each League by Win-Loss Record advance to the Week 15, Free-For-All Playoffs.